Looking For A Marine Survey ???
If you are considering a boating purchase - New Boat or Used boat .... Consider your choices ...
Gregory Scott is one of the few Kingston Marine Surveyors with a background in both marine construction and sales ....
And if you're considering a new or used boat ... As Bill Nye says ; " Consider the Following"
Greg has over 35 years of experience in the marine sector .... Having built over 1000 boats. Run a major marina and having sold 100's of boats ....
If you are a Broker - don't fret - I will work with your client providing accurate information - if the boat won't float - they will know. If it simply needs new batteries and some window caulking .. that's what they will hear. You have done your job finding the right boat for your client - my job is letting them know the cost ...
If you are the buyer - I understand you have looked at 100's of boats and what you want to know is the cost of ownership ...
Contact information ... rgs@gregoryscott.ca or call 613 532-4104